Sunday, December 12, 2010

Singapore Comic Con!

To promote how geeky I actually am:

This was heaven!  Well as close as I could get, here in Singapore.  Actual heaven would be comic con in San Francisco.  But this was still amazing to see!  There were so many toys that I had seen before:


And there were some toys that I had never seen before:

Sticky Monster Lab from Korea
There were some great toy displays:

There was also some amazing artwork by both famous and non-famous people!

Artwork by obviously famous people.

David Llyod, Artist of the above was going to be present at this convention.
There was even the artist, Phil Ortiz (artist of The Simpsons Comics) "Simpsonizing" people for a mere $50 per person!  Janette was very excited to see him!

And this is me with the Simpson family :)

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